If you read this article title correctly, you may now be intrigued, confused, or perhaps both. When I planned my visit to Raglan Road restaurant in Disney Springs, this newer appetizer caught my eye. My love and admiration for well-prepared donuts can be found throughout the internet. However, I do not believe I have ever consumed a chicken donut. Is Raglan Road trying to merge flavors like Salt & Straw does with ice cream? Perhaps Ian Malcom, from the Jurassic Park movie, would say, “Your chefs were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.” After I try this, will I think of doughnuts the same again? Will I run to Everglazed, also in Disney Springs, to remember what extravagant doughnuts should look and taste like? I ordered this with excitement and a touch of fear all at same time.

Despite that, I visited Raglan Road intending to enjoy (or survive) this “donut.” Raglan Road enjoys creating unique menu item titles and descriptions. The “Chicken Donut” menu description starts with the words “(yes you read that correctly).” Apparently, I joined a large group of people fascinated but checking our glasses when reading this item on menu. The rest of the menu description continues by telling us to expect a savory donut hole stuffed with chicken, wild mushrooms. This donut comes topped with savory maple glaze, crispy chicken, and bacon crumbs. Just so our parents do not scream at us for this food decision, the chefs provide us a pickled salad to balance the donut. The “Chicken Donut” costs $18.

Photo by Jon Self

Before discussing the quality of this appetizer, I have a few clarifications for Raglan Road. Though this donut portion size would not compete with extravagant theme park doughnuts, this fails to be a donut hole. In fact, when I ordered it, it came in shape of a doughnut with a hole in middle. If you are visualizing a doughnut hole from your favorite local doughnut shop, think again. Also, this creation tastes crisp on the outside with “filling” on inside. I would have called this a chicken filled doughnut.

Photo by Jon Self

So how did this taste? First, the pickled salad tastes exactly as it should. I would have preferred the carrots a bit softer, however. Also, expect the carrots to soak up more of the vinegary taste. Yet, the quality of this pickled salad rates high. For the record, I generally dislike pickled salads but enjoyed this. Having eaten the “donut”, the salad balances it very well.

Regarding the donut proper, the outer coating felt very crisp—probably too much when I had it. Yet, if trying to create imagery of fried filled doughnut, that outer shell works. I, and others with me, though outer shell created a difficult barrier to cut though

The portion size for these rates as above average. This functions as a sharable appetizer. Yet, guests may find the $18 price tag a bit high for something donut size with a tiny salad.

The best aspect of this donut revolves around the filling. When you get a bite containing some outer crispy shell, the filling, and some salad, this appetizer works great. I found myself surprised how well the flavors balance. Individually, the salad and outer coating decrease in enjoyment. The bacon crumbles taste great. However, for my donut, the bacon moved to one section. I experienced bacon overload in that bite. Despite that, the bacon and maple glaze serve this donut well. Also, the filling tasted fabulous. I would have loved more of that by itself.

Photo by Jon Self

On the less positive note, the nature of this donut leads to a battle for your taste buds. Clearly, many flavors demand your attention as you eat this. Some guests will experience too many flavors. However, my main criticism involves the filling being overwhelmed. The outer shell tended to dominate the quality filling in many bites. The combination of fried texture and softer creamy texture sounds great. Still, in this case, on this night, we got too much fried texture.

Promotional photo from Raglan Road

Would I order this again? I might. However, I would not plan an evening at Raglan Road just to get this appetizer. Yet, if I went with a group and someone wanted to order it, I would not discourage them.

Promotional Photo by Raglan Road

Raglan Road offers great entertainment during your meal. Perhaps, in addition to the quality of food, that explains why this restaurant consistently ranks high in terms of Disney Springs restaurants being searched for in terms of reservations. MouseDining.com can help with this type of reservation, of course. As always, eat like you mean it!

