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“New” Me Ma’s Best Chicken Raglan Road Disney Springs

Restaurant Reviews By December 11, 2022 Tags: , , , , No Comments

Once upon a time, I sat in a chain restaurant having lunch. On that day, I looked much younger for a simple reason—I was much younger. On that day, an elderly couple sat down in the booth next to me. They discussed loudly what to order that afternoon. After some loud discussion, the gentleman said he did not see anything he thought he would like. At this point, the lady voiced obvious frustration saying “Just get the chicken. You like chicken.” As insignificant as that encounter might seem, I have never forgotten it. Thus, some days when I do not know what to order, I simply order the chicken. To facilitate this, Raglan Road in Disney Springs consistently offers excellent chicken entrees. A recent addition to their menu would be “Me Ma’s Best Chicken.” During my visit, I ordered this chicken entrée.

Me Ma’s Best Chicken will cost you $28. Included with that price, you receive an entrée described this way, “roasted Bell and Evans chicken breast with a chicken, spinach, wild mushrooms, and a leek pie in roast chicken jus, topped with herb stuffing crumble with champ mashed potato.” The overall presentation of this entrée should receive high marks. Now, the one I received when I dined there did not look like the promo photo. Still, when does dinner look like the promo photo? Anyway, I felt the presentation was good even though my photos may not reflect that. We were seated very close to the stages, so I did not want to endanger the performers with flash photography.

me ma's best chicken

Promotional Photo from Raglan Road

On that evening I enjoyed this entrée, I had a 6:45 reservation on a rainy night. The organizational system at Raglan Road lacked the normal pattern. Eventually we were seated after waiting some time. Of course, when we were seated, we quickly got some of the Raglan Road soda bread.

After some appetizers, the main entrees arrived. As always here, the special brand of chicken served here comes very well prepared. I guess that is why I order chicken often here. In fact, I found all aspects of this entrée very well prepared. Any issues I may have with this entrée relate to ingredient choices not preparation by chefs.

Me Ma’s Best Chicken

The most unique facet of this entrée revolves around the leek pie. When ordering new items for a dining review, I scan the menu description briefly. Before dining, I do not usually examine menu description too intensely. This allows me to avoid anticipating certain flavors based on what I read in the description. However, when typing the review, I examined the menu description very carefully. The leek pie offered some of the best flavors at our table that evening. In fairness, when I tasted this that evening, i could not tell this was a leak pie. The pastry like shell holding it together looked and tasted good. I did not expect that before ordering this new menu item.

On the less positive side, this dish lacked a solid flavor profile. The chicken and potatoes were well prepared though. Yet, they lacked enough seasoning to be a stellar entrée. In simple terms, everything tasted a bit bland outside the leek pie. For perspective, I am comparing this to other entrées at Raglan Road. I respect the fact that this style of food might seem bland to some. However, I am comparing it to similar entrees on the same menu. Also, just so you do not think I am simply hiding behind a keyboard, I discussed this with staff there. Our table discussed this with the manager on duty, Steve, that evening. For the record, he showed great appreciation and interest in our thoughts.

Me Ma’s Best Chicken

I think a simple adjustment of adding the au jus directly on the chicken would enhance this entrée significantly. That goes against the usual preparation pattern at Raglan Road for their chicken though. All the components functioned nicely. This needed more power to the overall flaor profile. Once again, the entree preparation was great. In fact, the chicken tasted perfect for standard chicken but lack seasoning as its downfall. I desired more from Me Ma’s Best Chicken.

Even though I joked about the appearance of the promotional photo, that photo reflects a change in presentation and probably preparation. If you go visit Raglan Road deciding to order this, I would be curious what you think. Please leave a comment below if you do. As always, eat like you mean it!


You Really Ordered a Salad From Raglan Road?

Restaurant Reviews By September 14, 2022 Tags: No Comments

During my August trip to Orlando area, I visited Raglan Road restaurant on my first night there. Trying to do useful food reviews, I focused on menu items that were new at Raglan Road. When I went, about eight new items were on the menu there. I ordered one of the new appetizers and one of the new entrees. For my entrée, I ordered a salad. Yes, I said a salad. With all the options of menu items, I selected a salad. Why would I do that?

First and foremost, this salad qualified as a newer item on the Raglan Road menu. Second, I had already ordered an appetizer before this entrée. Third and finally, I knew the next day involved two table service dining reservations along with trying about eight treats at Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party. In simple terms, a salad can make a good choice during your Walt Disney World dining experience. I realize people say vacation calories do not count. Still, a bit of nutrition sounds like a good idea at least once during a vacation.

However, this counts as no ordinary salad. If you were thinking I ordered a generic salad with no frills, think again. I ordered “That Salad With Chicken.” I wonder who got paid a salary to come up with that title for this salad. This salad costs $20.This salad provides diners with “grilled Bell & Evans chicken breast, arugula, roasted broccolini, pickled red cabbage, confit tomatoes, roasted butternut squash, red quinoa, and smoked almonds, A lovely honey mustard dressing comes with this salad.

`              The presentation of the salad earns high marks. In addition, the salad matches well with the complimentary soda bread service provided at Raglan Road. For the record, the soda bread presents a wonderful flavor here to start your meal.

So how was this salad?  As expected, the chicken here comes very well prepared but more about that balance of flavor later. The arugula and other greens match the dressing almost perfectly. I found myself wanting more arugula with a touch of the dressing when finished. Even though I ate almost morsel of this salad, the portion rates as large for a $20 salad at Disney Springs. That rating should perhaps be higher based on the solid overall flavor of this salad. The accompanying vegetables and quinoa were also prepared very well.

On the negative side, the broccolini, though prepared very well, tasted a little too salty by itself. I also found it harder to chew that expected. In fairness, I generally avoid broccolini in my everyday dining so I might have a bias in this case. Also, the smoked almonds, though nice, fell to bottom of salad quickly. When you order this, plan for that aspect.

The key to this salad falls on the chicken to bring it together. The chicken offers a reasonably seasoned flavor. Initially, I thought the chicken was be a bit dry. Yet, in seems apparent that the chicken balances the other components, especially the broccolini. Guests get a reasonable amount of chicken with this salad. As a result, the chicken holds it all together flavor-wise. Based on that apparent intent, this salad with chicken makes a good option for diners looking for some nutrition in their Disney dining regiment. Of course, do not be fooled. Just because this menu item calls itself a salad, there are plenty of yummy calories within it. I doubt you will feel you sacrificed too much getting this salad.

As of time of writing this, I have another dining reservation at Raglan Road coming up in less than a week. Yes, I booked that with the help of the MouseDining reservation alert system. If I were not going back to review some other new menu items at Raglan Road, I would not hesitate to order this again. Considering I am scheduled to review about thirty food items at Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Orlando in that same week, I probably could use a salad or two (or five). Yet, this salad meets the expected standard of a place like Raglan Road. Thanks for reading this review. As always, eat like you mean it!



Chicken Donut at Raglan Road Disney Springs

Restaurant Reviews By August 25, 2022 Tags: , , No Comments

If you read this article title correctly, you may now be intrigued, confused, or perhaps both. When I planned my visit to Raglan Road restaurant in Disney Springs, this newer appetizer caught my eye. My love and admiration for well-prepared donuts can be found throughout the internet. However, I do not believe I have ever consumed a chicken donut. Is Raglan Road trying to merge flavors like Salt & Straw does with ice cream? Perhaps Ian Malcom, from the Jurassic Park movie, would say, “Your chefs were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.” After I try this, will I think of doughnuts the same again? Will I run to Everglazed, also in Disney Springs, to remember what extravagant doughnuts should look and taste like? I ordered this with excitement and a touch of fear all at same time.

Despite that, I visited Raglan Road intending to enjoy (or survive) this “donut.” Raglan Road enjoys creating unique menu item titles and descriptions. The “Chicken Donut” menu description starts with the words “(yes you read that correctly).” Apparently, I joined a large group of people fascinated but checking our glasses when reading this item on menu. The rest of the menu description continues by telling us to expect a savory donut hole stuffed with chicken, wild mushrooms. This donut comes topped with savory maple glaze, crispy chicken, and bacon crumbs. Just so our parents do not scream at us for this food decision, the chefs provide us a pickled salad to balance the donut. The “Chicken Donut” costs $18.

Photo by Jon Self

Before discussing the quality of this appetizer, I have a few clarifications for Raglan Road. Though this donut portion size would not compete with extravagant theme park doughnuts, this fails to be a donut hole. In fact, when I ordered it, it came in shape of a doughnut with a hole in middle. If you are visualizing a doughnut hole from your favorite local doughnut shop, think again. Also, this creation tastes crisp on the outside with “filling” on inside. I would have called this a chicken filled doughnut.

Photo by Jon Self

So how did this taste? First, the pickled salad tastes exactly as it should. I would have preferred the carrots a bit softer, however. Also, expect the carrots to soak up more of the vinegary taste. Yet, the quality of this pickled salad rates high. For the record, I generally dislike pickled salads but enjoyed this. Having eaten the “donut”, the salad balances it very well.

Regarding the donut proper, the outer coating felt very crisp—probably too much when I had it. Yet, if trying to create imagery of fried filled doughnut, that outer shell works. I, and others with me, though outer shell created a difficult barrier to cut though

The portion size for these rates as above average. This functions as a sharable appetizer. Yet, guests may find the $18 price tag a bit high for something donut size with a tiny salad.

The best aspect of this donut revolves around the filling. When you get a bite containing some outer crispy shell, the filling, and some salad, this appetizer works great. I found myself surprised how well the flavors balance. Individually, the salad and outer coating decrease in enjoyment. The bacon crumbles taste great. However, for my donut, the bacon moved to one section. I experienced bacon overload in that bite. Despite that, the bacon and maple glaze serve this donut well. Also, the filling tasted fabulous. I would have loved more of that by itself.

Photo by Jon Self

On the less positive note, the nature of this donut leads to a battle for your taste buds. Clearly, many flavors demand your attention as you eat this. Some guests will experience too many flavors. However, my main criticism involves the filling being overwhelmed. The outer shell tended to dominate the quality filling in many bites. The combination of fried texture and softer creamy texture sounds great. Still, in this case, on this night, we got too much fried texture.

Promotional photo from Raglan Road

Would I order this again? I might. However, I would not plan an evening at Raglan Road just to get this appetizer. Yet, if I went with a group and someone wanted to order it, I would not discourage them.

Promotional Photo by Raglan Road

Raglan Road offers great entertainment during your meal. Perhaps, in addition to the quality of food, that explains why this restaurant consistently ranks high in terms of Disney Springs restaurants being searched for in terms of reservations. can help with this type of reservation, of course. As always, eat like you mean it!

