National Fried Chicken Day falls on July 6th. Even though I have been writing/editing theme park food blogs for some time now, I continue to be amazed by all the made-up food holidays. However, I have a suggestion for National Fried Chicken Day this year. Before I make that suggestion, I have a little story to tell.

A long time ago in what felt like a galaxy far away, I earned a contract to train athletically. When companies sponsor you, they tend to micro-manage your lifestyle. You sign contracts to avoid risky behavior like skydiving, motorcycles, skiing, and similar activities. Companies start to make strong suggestions about your sleep schedule. As you would expect, your food and beverage intake get supervised heavily. Next time you watch an Olympic athlete compete, remember most of them have gone through incredible standards to reach that point. On the other hand, I never even got close to that level of skill. However, I remember a meeting in Colorado Springs, CO, where they told us to eat a full salad each day.

For context, from the Olympic Training Center dorm rooms in Colorado Springs back in the day, many fast-food places could be seen. Now, several fast-food places were directly across a major road on the other side of a huge fence keeping athletes inside. I recall several fellow athletes telling their sponsors they had a salad every day. Of course, those salads came from fast food places. Those “salads” contained over 2000 calories at least. In my opinion, that might have defeated the point.

Why would I make you read about a memory from over 30 years ago? Well, today, we are looking at the “Fried Chicken Salad” from Art Smith’s Homecomin’. I formally apologize to Art Smith for using fast food salads to transition to this menu item. The quality in terms of preparation for this salad exceeds table service dining standards. However, I confidently declare this salad would not be approved by my former coaches or sponsors. For example, I cannot find a reputable source on the number of calories in this Art Smith designed salad. Still, it is a salad, right? It would be good for you, right? In fairness, this menu item offers some quality nutrition. Nutrition can be tough to find when dining at a theme park resort.

Photo courtesy of Main Street Magic Podcast

The “Fried Chicken Salad” at Art Smith’s Homecomin’ costs $19. For table service of this quality, that price rates as fair. The menu description of this salad brings thoughts of yummy goodness. This salad features crispy fried chicken pieces over mixed greens. In addition, the salad comes topped with pecan-smoked bacon, egg, heirloom cherry tomatoes, red onion, fresh herbs, and cucumbers. The salad can be prepared tossed with icebox dressing or dressing on the side. I suggest having it prepared tossed. For the final touches of this salad, guests enjoy cheddar biscuit croutons. A little extra spice comes from this salad via garlic and paprika.

Yes, you read that correctly. This salad presents guests with croutons made from the Art Smith biscuits. Guests sometimes take a crouton of their salad covering it in the dressing and just enjoy. Speaking of the icebox dressing, this adds a pleasant lemon flavor.  This light dressing nicely enhances the flavor of the chicken and other toppings.

When the salad arrives at your table, the aroma indicates you made a good choice by dining here. The produce on all menu items here tastes fresh. A good reason for that involves the 100-mile rule here. All produce, of any type, must come from inside a 100-mile radius for enhanced freshness. As always, better ingredients make better meals. Sometimes the key to being a good chef comes down to your ingredients. The chefs at Homecomin’ start with an ingredient advantage.

Related to that, the chicken served here avoids being frozen. In addition, the chicken sits in brine for over twenty-four hours. This brine creates a more flavorful and tender piece of chicken. In my opinion, the chicken combined with some dressing and the pecan-smoked bacon extend a masterful flavor combination.  Your taste buds might prefer a different combination of flavors. Still, whatever mixture on this salad you lean towards, the freshness will shine.

Yes, I made an easy joke about calorie count at Homecomin’. However, if you want a taste of Art Smith’s special chicken without as much dietary guilt, this salad calls to you. Sure, you might be jealous of people ordering fried chicken and donuts here. However, Walt Disney World guests should pace themselves when it comes to meals. You want to survive to fully enjoy another great meal followed by another one. This salad will help. However, this salad works as one of many reasons that reservations can be tough to get at Homecomin’. MouseDining offers a variety of services to help you get those tough to find reservations.  Feel free if this salad, or any other menu item at Homecomin’ beckons you. A place where reservations are tough to get generally indicates quality food. MouseDining can help with that quality food acquisition.

If you choose to celebrate National Fried Chicken Day this year, Art Smith’s Homecoming should get strong consideration. As always, eat like you mean it!
